Tag Archives: family

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I was taking pictures at my sister Dora’s birthday party on Sunday when my other sister LaVay said, “I sense a blog post coming up.” I responded negatively, which led to a few “pretty please’es” and some well-placed flattery. 🙂

So here’s your post, Vay. . . although it might not be what you expected.

Photo credits: LaVay herself. 🙂

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“Thank You for the day that went okay,” we prayed, and it wasn’t until later that I realized we’d been given more than just a day that went okay.

Sunday was a first for us. Poorly as it might reflect on us, after being married a little over two months, we were having our first Sunday lunch company. Firsts bring jitters for me, and even though it was my family that was coming, the jitters were still there. Saturday night and Sunday morning were a flurry of preparations, of things forgotten and then abruptly remembered, of trying to figure out what to do first and what could wait. Hurry here and hurry there, but we were still late to church. ...continue reading