Tag Archives: holidays

For all my excitement about decorating for Christmas this year, it sure was a long time in coming. I wanted to wait until after Thanksgiving to do it, but we were sick over Thanksgiving. Then suddenly every nook and cranny of the house needed to be cleaned, both as part of my fall cleaning (which always seems to stretch into winter cleaning) and also in preparation for our Christmas company (some of which is coming this weekend and some of which is coming next weekend), and somewhere amid the dusting and the scrubbing and the happily filling of Goodwill boxes, the decorating just fell by the wayside.

If you managed to get through that entire extraordinarily long and clumsy sentence, here’s what got my Christmas decorating finally back on track.A cheap little poinsettia from Waremart. My mom almost always has a poinsettia at Christmas, and since it’s such a cheery, decorative flower in and of itself, I usually can’t resist getting one either. ...continue reading

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I am so excited for Christmas this year. It’s like the cold weather hit, and it suddenly felt like it should be the holidays. I’ve been listening to Christmas music since October, and I’ve had most of my gift shopping done since then as well. Sometimes it feels like I’ve been waiting long enough that surely Christmas must be just around the corner.

It’s not even Thanksgiving. 🙂

I don’t remember getting this excited about Christmas when I was younger. Maybe it’s because back then I didn’t have a house to decorate, an area to flood with lights and music. Maybe it’s because back then I didn’t have two little boys to read Luke 2 with every day as they try to memorize “Caesar Augustus” and “Bethlehem” and “his espoused wife.” Maybe it’s because back then I didn’t have a wonderful husband who always takes extra days off work over the holidays, days I look forward to for weeks. ...continue reading